Untangle those emotions.

(The trigger)

Untangle those emotions.

A trigger is the most important element for anybody to start. To start something. Anything.

Take this blog for instance. I thought writing comes to me naturally. Clearly I was wrong. What comes to me naturally are thoughts and emotions, tangled. Untangling those thoughts and emotions is one tedious task, a procrastinator’s distant priority, a surreal possibility.

But just when you are about to give up the idea of writing, a trigger hits you, at the most unexpected moments like while you are crossing the road or sitting on the pot or when you wake up to put your alarm on snooze mode. At either of these moments nobody in their sane mind would actually bother taking a note pad and a pen and start writing. Not unless someone puts a gun to your head and threatens to peel the scratch guard off your phone.

Untangle. ‘if to do were as easy as to know what was good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men’s cottages princes’ palaces’. The Bard knew exactly what he was talking about.

We all know our lives would be much simpler and pleasant if we could all be talented enough to present our ideas and thoughts clearly in an untangled manner.

Ironic how we abuse left right and centre when that Skoda overtakes us or when that aunty on her phone doesn’t bother steering to the left to give us way but on days when we don’t have our vehicles to aid us, jaywalking is an innate habit. If only we could untangle our conscience from that self that wants to turn a deaf ear to those poor honking sounds then the possibility of well managed traffic will become a reality.

If teachers could untangle the voice that mellows them down from the disciplinarian self when a student hasn’t completed an assignment on time, the voice that tells them that there are times when teachers take time to submit papers and corrections as well, then the education system will take a small step towards change.

If we can learn to untangle our emotions, we shall trigger a change, a much needed change for a better world, for a better life and for a better us.

Signing off for the day as those hovering over my head to peep into the screen say that if the word count is too high (exceeding three scrolls on an iPhone) nobody’s going to bother reading.

See you again next tuesday folks. Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Stay untangled.


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