Rhutam Thakur

Batch of 2016-2017
Passing percentage: 96.5%
School: PTV

As Genius Inc., we found something more than just teachers. We found mentors, guides and most importantly friends disguised as teachers. They understood our problems our difficulties and helped us overcome them and I shall always be grateful for that. There are a lot of things which I would never forget about my time here. Shaishav sir’s brilliant yet simple method of teaching, how Tahi miss made geography look so easy when for me it always was a headache to do, Mayuresh sir’s guidance, Aurrick sir’s excellence in Math and our shared passion, reading, Banerjee Mam’s precious golden words without which it would have been impossible to do well in history and in life, Tarkik sir’s unparalleled intellect and invaluable guidance and our shared passion for superheroes and comics. And last but not the least the comfort of seamless communication we shared with all the teachers.Thank you Genius Inc.




Ground floor, Ram Niwas,
Opp. Mc Donalds, Hanuman Road