So, I missed a week. Not that any one missed me but it feels good to start a write up with a line like that. It was my birthday week and like the wheel of fortune, I had my own wheel of thoughts I had to spin to help me settle on what I wanted to write this time and that’s when the doleful news came in about the sad demise of Mr Kalam.
Sigh! Another legend lost. I have no idea why the sadness set in. He had aged pretty gracefully and yet, is there anything like lived enough?
Has anyone lived enough? People of all ages die every day. How many names do you come across who have made a mark powerful enough to have facebook posts dedicated to them? Have you?
Back when MJ had passed, I remember scorning about how suddenly his fan following doubled. What didn’t strike me then was the impact he had had on people’s lives. When you are alive and kicking, people don’t really acknowledge you much because one doesn’t simply expect you to pop off, but when you do, the only people who mourn are the ones whose lives you have touched in some way or the other.
Another thing is how you are going to converse with Him up there. Are you going to complain that He ought to have let you live longer? Why? Did you value the number of years he did grant you? Did you make it count?
How often do you shed your inhibitions and do what your heart says? How often do you dance in public when the bass drops? How often do you hug a random person? How often do you wear what you want and not what people want you to wear? How often do you do anything crazy enough to make that moment count? Our lives are full of mundane moments, moments designed to please mankind, moments engineered and forced to make a place for us in the daily rut, don’t you want to break free? Don’t you want to die knowing you lived your life to the fullest?
Who is stopping you but yourself? Go make it count. And if you are lucky, being yourself will help you touch a zillion lives, and maybe you will die a legend as well.
Well said!.It ‘s not easy to touch people’s lives if it doesn’t come from within. I’m not preaching but the Bible says ‘you can give all your wealth to the poor but if you have no love it is nothing.’We have to be selfless and the rest will follow.