Go hug a parent today

Go hug a parent today

They needn’t  be yours. Any parent you spot, go hug one. The other day I was driving along the sea face and saw a father helping his kid ride a bicycle. I immediately recalled the day my dad offered to take me to school on the cycle and I remember how embarrassed I was with the thought of sitting behind my old man on a cycle while others came on a bike or a car.

Then there was this incident when my father dropped me at a friend’s house before a school camp, on a side car scooter. I wished I could shrink in embarrassment.

I am sure that’s the case with almost every teen today. What I failed to realize was the struggle he was going through to prove himself to be the best dad around. As I grew a bit every year (in maturity if not in muscles) I realized that a cycle costs around 5000 and earning 5000 is not as easy as scowling when your dad offers to drop you. A side car scooter, if not fancy did drop me where I needed to be when no public transport would ply. Kids forget that parents are not our slaves who are obliged to pay for our needs. As I met new people in my life I came across kids who had lost one or both of their parents, to the reaper or to the court. I met a kid with a black eye who was often told he had his mother’s eyes- subjects of domestic abuse. Do we hug those horrendous parents as well? Yes.

Nothing beats hatred more certainly than humiliation through forgiveness.

Hug a parent today. Make them feel loved. Do it if you love yourself because what you love is something created by them.

My mom has this condition, I have to call her when I wake up, eat, leave from work and sleep. This isn’t just a reporting call, each time I do call her she will refrain from hanging up until I force her to. When I tell her I am done with lunch, she will ask me what I had. When I tell her what I had, she will reprimand me for not eating healthy. If I eat something healthy she will tell me I needn’t have spent so much. If I tell her someone got it for me, she will ask me to pay that person for the efforts. You get where this is going right? Point is, often I call my mom to simply tell her I miss her and I love her. That’s all, but she will turn it into a talk show and I end up flustered and irritated because it leaves me out of time and out of breath….give it half an hour and I’ll be calling her back to apologize and say I love her.

I don’t know how they do this but every parent has that magical power of getting an apology out of us no matter how right we are. Respect them and love them. You owe it to them.

Time to end this blog as well. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave back some comments so I can ignore the criticism and revel in the appreciation!


  • Nithya says:

    i suddenly miss my mum n dad 🙁

  • Nidhi says:

    Another extremely well written one!
    I’m not a hugger and neither is my mom, so I will definitely hug her the next time I see her, and make her wonder what in the world I’m up to 😀

    • LIZ JOHN says:

      It’s so true and it’s an eye-opener, we have never done it to our parents and now its too late .They have left us with a legacy of good memories. I just look up at the stars and say ‘Thank you.”

  • The Tuesday Blogger says:

    Yay! Do so!

  • Rita says:

    reading this I have tears in my eyes,it is so beautifully written shaishav.you’ve left me speechless.love you

  • Devashish Mahurkar says:

    Feeling SENTIMENTAL!!!!

    I HUGGED my parents today . Feeling happy


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