Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt rutrum sapien, sed ultricies diam.
MoreA trigger is the most important element for anybody to start. To start something. Anything. Take this blog for instance. I thought writing comes to me naturally. Clearly I was wrong. What comes to me naturally are thoughts and emotions, tangled. Untangling those thoughts and emotions is one tedious task, a procrastinator’s distant priority, a ...
Read MoreThey needn’t be yours. Any parent you spot, go hug one. The other day I was driving along the sea face and saw a father helping his kid ride a bicycle. I immediately recalled the day my dad offered to take me to school on the cycle and I remember how embarrassed I was with ...
Read MoreSo, I missed a week. Not that any one missed me but it feels good to start a write up with a line like that. It was my birthday week and like the wheel of fortune, I had my own wheel of thoughts I had to spin to help me settle on what I wanted ...
Read MoreI figure everyone with an eye for business will end up getting curious enough to start reading this article but I am sorry to disappoint you. When I am writing about losses and gains, I am implying the darker paths of deaths, and lessons gained out of it. I was at a funeral yesterday, my ...
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